How “Great” is the New Great Gatsby Broadway Musical?

By Emma Gordon

One of the most well-known books of American history – The Great Gatsby – has now been adapted for the stage of Broadway, in musical form! 

Opening on April 25th, 2024, this musical adaptation shows the story of the wealthy Jay Gatsby and his forbidden love with Daisy. Of course, I will try not to spoil too much for those of you who have not read this book in English yet, but it is overall a very entertaining book that transports the reader back to the time of the 1920s, to a story about the American dream. 

Starring talented stars of Broadway Jeremy Jordan (known for Newsies) and Eva Noblezada (known for Hadestown), this cast brings this story to life with beautiful songs, sets, and costumes. 

I got a chance to watch this incredible show this past Sunday, May 19th. Unfortunately, Jeremy Jordan was not there that day; however, his understudy Jeff Kready still amazingly brought the character of Jay Gatsby to life. The sets and costumes were also incredible, and if you’ve read the book, it felt like it was coming to life right in front of you. The show was as “Great” as The Great Gatsby, and as an avid fan of Jeremy Jordan and now this show, I look forward to hopefully one day see it again. 

In conclusion, the newest Broadway adaptation of this old classic is “Great,” and I’d definitely recommend it to anyone who’s a fan of Broadway shows, or who enjoyed The Great Gatsby novel, or even is just looking to have some enjoyable entertainment. 

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